With Trinidad going out of incubator, maybe some of these can be moved into a "shared" myfaces library. I know we've been batting this around for some time and I'm not sure if such a thing would even be possible, but it's worth looking in to.


Simon Lessard wrote:
Hello Franscisco,

You got a good catch there, but we cannot add that in either Trinidad core
logic nor in Tomahawk's because it would create a dependency link between
both libraries. However, I think it worth a wiki entry though, maybe about
known issues between Trinidad and Tomahawk.


~ Simon

On 4/23/07, Francisco Passos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello there.

It took me a while to discover that Tomahawk's t:saveState component does not work with Trinidad unless org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CACHE_VIEW_ROOTis
set to false.

I understand that in architectural terms, both things are mutually
exclusive, but I'd recommend presenting a huge warning in the logs when a page contains a t:saveState and CACHE_VIEW_ROOT is not set to false. This
way users will have an idea what is happening.

Thank you,
Francisco Passos

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