On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 09:37:35PM +0200, Eran Levy wrote:
> Hi,
> If I understand you right, you want to create a group of users that will 
> have the read/write permissions in the "public" directory.
> You will have to do this:
> Say the public directory called: public_dir
> 1. make the group of users you want and chown the directory that the group 
> will have the permissions to this directory
> 2. chmod 764 public_dir - This will make the directory rwx by the user and 
> rw for the group and r permission for the others
> or you can do: chmod g+rw public_dir - adds read and write for group to the 
> directory.

I think you mean 775... 764 will mean only the owner of the directory
can access files inside it. Also, you can add the set-gid bit of the 
directory (RTFM), this will make sure that new files created inside 
the directory will belong to the same group the directory belongs to.
You will also have to make sure that the users' umasks don't disallow 
creating files writable by group (i.e. 002 rather than 022).

> hmm....you can do that with adding ACLs there are the change, insert and 
> delete permissions adding a rwc to a group of users will make all the users 
> be able to read-write-change (give a user or group access to change)

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