On Sun, Dec 23, 2001 at 04:00:09PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Will verify PGP keys (though I have heard of a problem with the 
> verification).

PGP is not an APT or up2date feature, it's a basic packaging format 
feature that RPM has and debs don't. Debs' biggest disadvantage, I 

> Will report to you what was done.

Try apt-get -u, if that is what you meant.

> that's it, more or less.
> On the other hand - Will not let you choose where to get the updates 
> from (+3rd party packages not supported)
> Will send the entire config to redhat.

Seems to me APT is a more flexible, letting you mix and match
various source (stable, unstable, extras, non-free etc). But then 
again, Red Carpet lets you do the same thing. Doesn't up2date? 
I'd say whether or not those sources are inside or outside Red Hat / 
Debian is not a technological issue (unless I misunderstood what you 
meant by technological issue).

> Requires subscription (even if it's free, at the moment).

Not a technological issue?

I've always thought APT to be superior technologically, because of
its flexibility and robustness (and you like its client-centrism). 
up2date seemed rather kludgy to me the last time I looked at it... 
Which was a while ago.

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