On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 09:29:40PM +0200, Gold Edward wrote:
> 1. Does Linux has a built-in priority inheritance mechanisms for
> mutexes (in order to avoid priority inversion) ?
> I tried to find it on LinuxThreads Frequently Asked
> Questions and it's links--not with much success (but then it wasn't
> an in-depth search). 
> By built-in I mean a special parameter for the mutex creating
> function, so that when the mutex will be used by a low
> priority process/thread,  it will elevate
> the priority of the process to the priority of the  higher
> priority process also using this mutex
> (i.e. like THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT on pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(...)  on
> Solaris) .

LinuxThreads is just an implementation of Pthreads, just like the 
Solaris version.  It looks like you already found the Pthread 
function name. If it is implemented in LinuxThreads, it probably has 
the same syntax -- try it.

> 2 Sory for asking this here- but maybe someone know about this on
> Digital Unix?

If it supports Pthreads, then the same answer applies :)

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