On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 09:13:04AM +0200, b g wrote:
> Hi all
> It has been four days that I try to port a C program that runs perfectly on 
> SGI station (MIPS R12000 processor) to Linux (RH7.1 on dual PIII box).
> Since I failed to find the answer (to the question following) on the net, and 
> before starting reading the code(about 900 lines), I decided to try this 
> forum. If you think it's offtopic or annoying, please ingnore this message

I don't think it's offtopic but it's somewhat lacking in useful 
information. Which program? Running which commands? Can you post the 
relevant code? 

One thing to note is that Linux has a problem with core files of 
threaded applications (which seems to me the case?). It's better
to run the program from within gdb to start with and have it crash 
in there.

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