Still missing some proofreading, so it is not complete yet.

And i'm doing som tests on the file.

1 of the tests shows some Trailing whitespace inconsistency. Are they "errors" 
in the english text?

=== Line 474 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "Not even if I've found one of your \"Catseyes\"!"
msgstr "Også selvom jeg har fundet en af dine »katteøjne«!"

=== Line 791 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "Wait a moment! What exactly is a \"Catseye\"?"
msgstr "Vent et øjeblik! Hvad præcist er et »katteøje«?"

=== Line 1127 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "She intended to buy some rare gems, but it seemed she had underestimated 
their value. She was quite surprised by my Master's offer:"
msgstr "Hun havde til hensigt at købe nogle sjældne ædelstene, men hun så ud 
til at have undervurderet deres værdi. Hun blev meget overrasket over 
Fingolsons tilbud."

=== Line 1239 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "Foolish Half-Elf! Don't you think I'd know best how unlikely it is for 
anyone, including your fine mistress, to steal these gems? Were it not for 
Erek, that betrayer, you'd never know!"
msgstr "Tåbelig halvelver! Tror du ikke, at jeg ved bedst hvor usandsynligt det 
er for enhver, inklusiv din fine arbejdsgiver, at stjæle disse ædelsten? Var 
det ikke for Erek, den forræder, ville du aldrig have opdaget det."

=== Line 1519 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "Back again, eh?  You do hunger for punishment, don't you."
msgstr "Tilbage igen? Du er virkelig ikke bange for ydmygelse, vel?"

=== Line 2235 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "I was wondering whether you noticed anything unusual during the night of 
the theft."
msgstr "Jeg tænkte på, om du mon havde bemærket noget usædvanligt den nat 
tyveriet foregik?"

=== Line 2719 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "'Tis a shame, really. You'd think you were in danger on the road, with 
all those bandits about. But no, right here, despite the guards, a mans 
belongings aren't safe from filthy thieves."
msgstr "Det er en skam. Man skulle tro, at man var i fare ude på vejen, med 
alle de røvere rendende omkring. Men nej, det er lige her, på trods af 
vagterne, at ens ejendele ikke er sikre for de modbydelige tyve."

=== Line 2839 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "I wish you luck with your inquiries then, uh ... I didn't catch your 
name, sir?"
msgstr "Jeg ønsker dig held og lykke med dine forespørgsler, hmmm ... Jeg 
fangede ikke dit navn, hr.?"

=== Line 3788 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "And you say Lady Silverhair was accused because she \"obviously doesn't 
like dwarves\"!?"
msgstr "Og du siger at lady Silverhair blev anklaget fordi hun »tydeligvis ikke 
kan lide dværge«?"

=== Line 3968 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "Who is \"they\"?"
msgstr "Hvem er »de«?"

=== Line 4028 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "There is no denying it. Yes, I feigned the theft. "
msgstr "Det hjælper ikke at nægte. Ja jeg foregav tyveriet."

=== Line 4032 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "But Master? How could you do such an infamous deed? "
msgstr "Men Fingolson? Hvordan kunne du foretage en så modbydelig gerning?"

=== Line 4036 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "That I would know as well! And where are the gems then? "
msgstr "Det ville jeg også vide! Og hvor er så ædelstenene?"

=== Line 4040 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "What? Haven't I made myself clear already? "
msgstr "Hvad? Har jeg ikke gjort mig selv tydelig nok?"

=== Line 4044 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "I despise those Elves and their uncanny ways. "
msgstr "Jeg hader de elvere og deres mystiske væsen."

=== Line 4048 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Their ... meddling with reality contradicts all principles I learnt to 
hold true.     "
msgstr "Deres ... roden med virkeligheden går imod alle de principper, jeg 
holder nært."

=== Line 4052 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "And yet, I had to provide them with the reagents they need to perform 
their dark art.     "
msgstr "Og alligevel måtte jeg give dem de stoffer, de skulle bruge for at 
kunne udføre deres mørke magi."

=== Line 4056 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "I felt so ... ashamed! "
msgstr "Jeg følte mig så ... skamfuld!"

=== Line 4060 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "And you believe this justifies the discomfort you caused my mistress? "
msgstr "Og du tror, at dette retfærdiggør den gene, du har påført min 

=== Line 4064 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "You cannot think further than your mistress, can you? "
msgstr "Du kan ikke tænke længere end din arbejdsgiver, kan du?"

=== Line 4068 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Theft by a high born like Lady Silverhair would have been considered a 
grave insult by the clan elders.     "
msgstr "Tyveri af en adelig som lady Silverhair ville være blevet anset som en 
alvorlig fornærmelse af de ældre i klanrådet."

=== Line 4072 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Had she been convicted, they might have chosen to cease trading with her 
likes. "
msgstr "Var hun blevet dømt, vill de måske have valgt at stoppe handlen med 
hendes slags."

=== Line 4076 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "It might have been years before any Elf got his filthy hands on our 
beloved gems again! "
msgstr "Det kunne have taget år før nogen elver igen fik sine beskidte hænder 
på vores elskede ædelsten igen!"

=== Line 4084 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Without the arcane arts my kind would soon succumb to the human tides. "
msgstr "Uden magien ville min race snart bukke under for den menneskelige 

=== Line 4088 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "But without gems and ores purchased from the small folk we cannot create 
magic. "
msgstr "Men uden ædelstenene og malm købt fra de små folk, kan vi ikke skabe 

=== Line 4092 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Who would have thought that? "
msgstr "Hvem ville have troet det?"

=== Line 4097 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Seems you owe %s here a big favour, if I may say so, Lady. "
msgstr "Ser ud til, at du skylder %s her en stor tjeneste, hvis jeg må være så 
beskeden, lady."

=== Line 4102 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Rest assured that %s's deeds will not be forgotten, good man. "
msgstr "Vær sikker på at %ss gerninger ikke vil blive glemt, min gode mand."

=== Line 4106 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Well, this is settled then. What remains now are the whereabouts of the 
gems. "
msgstr "Så er det her afgjort. Der resterer kun at finde ud af hvor ædelstenene 

=== Line 4110 : Trailing whitespace inconsistency ===
msgid "Master Fingolson! "
msgstr "Hr. Fingolson!"

=== Line 4250 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "the Adonthell team"
msgstr "Adonthell-holdet"

=== Line 4326 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "casting:"
msgstr "Rollebesætning:"

=== Line 4358 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "\"Window\" unit:"
msgstr "»Vindue«-enhed:"

=== Line 4384 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "foley artist:"
msgstr "Lydartist:"

=== Line 4396 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "the Adonthell team wishes to thank:"
msgstr "Adonthell-holdet ønsker at sige tak til:"

=== Line 4408 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "Software developers whose work"
msgstr "af fri software hvis arbejde har"

=== Line 4668 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "'Made in Cirdanth', now that's more like it!"
msgstr "»Fremstillet i Cirdanth«, så ligner det noget!"

=== Line 4672 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "'Made in Uzdun' kal'? How cheap is this Master Redwyne?"
msgstr "»Fremstillet i Uzudn' Kal«? Hvor discountagtig er den her hr. Redwyne?"

=== Line 4676 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
=== Line 4676 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "\"Teach yourself Elvish in 21 days\"?"
msgstr "»Lær dig selv elvisk i 21 dage«?"

=== Line 4680 : Leading character type or case mismatch ===
msgid "\"There and back again\", how unimaginative!"
msgstr "»Der og tilbage igen«, hvor fantasiløst!"

=== Line 4815 : Trailing characters or punctuation mismatch ===
msgid "Halt! Stand and declare yourself, stranger!"
msgstr "Stop der fremmede! Hvem er du?"

================ Summary ================
Total string count: 1182
Translated string count: 1182 (100%)
Total warning count: 41

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