Hi Kai,

Does our linuxgames.com server support PHP? I might be able to hack something 

To be honest, for screenshots we could probably make do with a static page for 
the time being.

                        - James

On 1 Jul 2010, at 20:30, Kai Sterker wrote:

> 2010/7/1 shirish शिरीष <shirisha...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Shirish!
>>  I went to the adonthell website and tried to see screenshots and the
>> art gallery. Both times I got the following error.
>> [an error occurred while processing this directive]
>> This was on a machine which was windows based running FF 3.6.3 . This
>> has happened few times when I have tried seeing it in different
>> machines.
> It's a server side problem. The website used to have some custom perl
> scripts to dynamically generate pages like the galleries or a
> developer diary. But at one point in time linuxgames.com (or whoever
> actually owns the server) shut down perl. Since then, nobody really
> has done anything about it.
>> Can somebody look it up. I know this isn't something that should be on
>> the mailing list but still would be nice to see.
>> The only way you would have more people flocking to help is when they
>> are able to see some screenshots from time to time.
> It's the right place to discuss stuff like this. I wasn't really sure
> if screenshots or art are such big a deal when people can just
> download the thing and see for themselves. There are plenty of
> screenshots elsewhere too:
>  http://www.google.com/images?source=imghp&q=Adonthell
> OTOH, that's the second E-Mail regarding this that I received in the
> last few days, so it might be time to reconsider ;-). The website is
> checked into CVS, so anyone who wishes to help out can grab the code
> and patch up the galleries:
>  http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/website/?root=adonthell
> (Can even see the desired images there).
> If there's really nobody to lend a hand with this, I'll see what I can
> do myself. Won't be great then, but at least I can make sure the
> images show again.
> Cheers,
> Kai
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