Given your requirement, you probably should not back up the file to TSM in
the first place.  TSM is not designed for the kind of absolute destruction
you need; for example, your file is (theoretically; let's not reopen this
discussion!) recoverable from the onsite primary tape and offsite copypool
tape until is it physically overwritten.  In addition, it will be
cumbersome to properly rebind the file so that all of the versions expire

William Mansfield
Senior Consultant
Solution Technology, Inc

                      Scott Foley                                                      
                      <sfoley@NETDOCUME        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]          
                      NTS.COM>                 cc:                                     
                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  How do you Shred a document 
from TSM?                                         
                      Dist Stor                                                        
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                
                      02/20/2002 04:48                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor                                                 

We have the need to be able to completely delete (shred) a document.  Once
shredded, it can't be restored.  I need to be able to remove it from all
tape pools, disk pools, off site tapes, off site databases, archive tapes

Is this possible?  If I delete the document from the database (how is this
done), how do I then delete it from the seven backup databases that are
stored off site?  I do not want to wait a week until they are replaced with
new database backup tapes.  Is deleting it from the database enough?  Is
there anyway to get the document off of a tape (or disk pool) once removed
from the database?  Once a tape is assigned to a scratch pool, but not
can it be returned to its previous status or is it effectively erased?

Thanks for any help,

Scott Foley
Part time TSM admin

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