
        This past summer we added "4" AS/400s to our TSM environment.  We
are running TSM v 3.7.2 on AIX v4.3.3.  Our Library is a SCSI connected
3575.  There are redbooks out there with great information on setting up
your management class, and tips for setting up BRMS on the AS/400.  We found
two limitations.

1>  BRMS does all management and expiration of the files stored in TSM.

        - For us this meant trusting the AS/400 administrators were properly
managing BRMS.  If they were not it would have uncontrollable results on the
TSM server for us.

2>  The backup times were extremely slow.

        - I looked somewhat extensively but could not find any reasons for
this.  The backups were done through Gigabit Ethernet.  I found some
postings which indicating there were known performance problems, but nothing
to indicate a solution.

        In the end we removed the AS/400's from our environment.  Someday
when we upgrade and have a 3494 library we try to add the AS/400s to TSM
again, but this time backing up through Fibre.

        Try this link for good information.


Jon Martin

-----Original Message-----
From: Henk ten Have [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: AS/400 & TSM

Does anyone has experience, i.e. right now, in using TSM for AS/400
backup's? Is there a simple way to do that and what is the performance?

Henk ten Have (heard bad stories about BMRS and ADSM V3 API)

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