We have a old tsm v4.2 server (on hpux) that we are trying to migrate over
to AIX.  Of couse, this process is taking
much longer than anyone ever thought it would.  We're stuck with this
server for at least another couple months.

Recently, and I'm not sure when, we started receiving ANR9999D messages.
It seems like anytime a migration tries to start on some of the primary
pools that these messages occur, and the migration fails.

When TSM is first  starts up, we receive the following messages right as
storage pool files are brought online  . . . .

07/19/04   20:10:45      ANR9999D dsutil.c(264): ThreadId<0> Pool id 4 not
07/19/04   20:10:47      ANR9999D asutil.c(237): ThreadId<0> Pool id -12
not found.
07/19/04   20:10:47      ANR9999D asutil.c(237): ThreadId<0> Pool id -11
not found.
07/19/04   20:10:48      ANR9999D dsutil.c(264): ThreadId<84> Pool id 4 not
07/19/04   20:10:48      ANR9999D dfmigr.c(1279): ThreadId<84> Error
                          attributes for pool (4).
07/19/04   20:10:48      ANR1117W Error initiating migration for storage
pool  -
                          internal server error detected.
07/19/04   20:10:49      ANR9999D asutil.c(237): ThreadId<0> Pool id 19 not

All the files for all the pools are online.  From what I can tell,
everything looks ok.
Then, when a migration tries to start for certain pools, we get more nasty
messages.  The messages go on, and on, and on.  This is just a small

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

. . . . nasty messages . . . .

07/20/04   02:20:50      ANR2017I Administrator G2559 issued command:
                          STGPOOL mgobackuppool hi=0 lo=0

07/20/04   02:20:50      ANR9999D dsutil.c(264): ThreadId<84> Pool id 4 not
07/20/04   02:20:50      ANR0984I Process 6 for MIGRATION started in the
                          at 02:20:50 AM.
07/20/04   02:20:50      ANR1000I Migration process 6 started for storage
07/20/04   02:20:50      (84) Context report
07/20/04   02:20:50      (84) Thread DfMigrationThread (24) is a child
                          related to: 84
07/20/04   02:20:50      (24) Generating TM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:50      (24) slot -> 167:
07/20/04   02:20:50      (24) Tsn=0:618278823, Resurrected=False,
07/20/04   02:20:50      (24)  Participants=1, summaryVote=ReadOnly
07/20/04   02:20:50          Participant DB: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) slot -> 169:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) Tsn=0:618278825, Resurrected=False,
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  Participants=3, summaryVote=ReadOnly
07/20/04   02:20:51          Participant DB: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:20:51          Participant BF: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:20:51          Participant SS: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:20:51        Locks held by Tsn=0:618278825 :
07/20/04   02:20:51          Type=34040, NameSpace=17462, SummMode=xLock,
                          Mode=xLock, Key='35959.0'
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) Generating Database Transaction Table
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) Generating SM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  *** no sessions found ***
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) Generating AS Vol Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  No mounted (or mount in progress) volumes.
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) Failed attempt #1 to get SSV->mutex
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) Generating ssSession Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  Storage Service Sessions:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  Session 114 --> BufConfig=XLarge,
                          TransBufSize=262144, SplitBuf=False, WrCount=0,
                          WrBufIsEmpty=False, WrBufIsFull=False,
                          SinkRc=0, AuxCreated=True, AuxBegin=False,
                          AuxIsSink=True, AuxIdle=False, AuxTerminate=False
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)     Leased Volumes:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)   (none)
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)     Excluded VolIds:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)   (none)
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)     AS Extension: WrMpClassId=3,
07/20/04   02:20:51
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) Generating ssOpenSeg Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  Storage Service Segments:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  VolId=17462, Start=35959, Offset=0,
                          Locked=False, Deallocated=False
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24) Generating BF Copy Control Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)  No global copy control blocks.
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)   procNum=6, status=Disk Storage Pool
                          Moved Files: 0, Moved Bytes: 0, Unreadable Files:
                          Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current Physical File
                          565,248 Waiting for mount of output volume 030022
                          seconds). , cancelInProgress=False
07/20/04   02:20:51      (24)   descr=Migration, name=MIGRATION,
07/20/04   02:20:51
07/20/04   02:20:51      (84) DfMigrationAgent : ANR9999D calling thread
07/20/04   02:20:51      (84) Generating TM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:51      (84)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:20:51      (84) Failed attempt #1 to get DBV->mutex
07/20/04   02:20:51      (84) Failed attempt #2 to get DBV->mutex
07/20/04   02:20:51      (84) Failed attempt #3 to get DBV->mutex
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) Generating Database Transaction Table
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) Generating SM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84)  *** no sessions found ***
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) Generating AS Vol Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84)  No mounted (or mount in progress) volumes.
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) Generating ssSession Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84)  No storage service sessions active.
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) Generating ssOpenSeg Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84)  No storage service segments found.
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) Generating BF Copy Control Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84)  No global copy control blocks.
07/20/04   02:20:52
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) End Context report

07/20/04   02:20:52      ANR9999D dfmigr.c(1279): ThreadId<84> Error
                          attributes for pool (4).
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) Context report
07/20/04   02:20:52      (84) Thread DfMigrationThread (24) is a child
                          related to: 84
07/20/04   02:20:52      (24) Generating TM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:52      (24) slot -> 167:
07/20/04   02:20:52      (24) Tsn=0:618278823, Resurrected=False,
07/20/04   02:20:52      (24)  Participants=1, summaryVote=ReadOnly
07/20/04   02:20:52          Participant DB: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:20:52      (24) slot -> 169:
07/20/04   02:20:52      (24) Tsn=0:618278825, Resurrected=False,
07/20/04   02:20:52      (24)  Participants=3, summaryVote=ReadOnly
07/20/04   02:20:52          Participant DB: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:20:52          Participant BF: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:20:52          Participant SS: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:20:52        Locks held by Tsn=0:618278825 :
07/20/04   02:20:52          Type=34040, NameSpace=17462, SummMode=xLock,
                          Mode=xLock, Key='35959.0'

07/20/04   02:20:52      ANR1117W Error initiating migration for storage
pool  -
                          internal server error detected.

07/20/04   02:20:53      (24) Generating Database Transaction Table
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24) Generating SM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)  *** no sessions found ***
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24) Generating AS Vol Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)  No mounted (or mount in progress) volumes.
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24) Generating ssSession Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)  Storage Service Sessions:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)  Session 114 --> BufConfig=XLarge,
                          TransBufSize=262144, SplitBuf=False, WrCount=0,
                          WrBufIsEmpty=False, WrBufIsFull=False,
                          SinkRc=0, AuxCreated=True, AuxBegin=False,
                          AuxIsSink=True, AuxIdle=False, AuxTerminate=False
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)     Leased Volumes:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)   (none)
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)     Excluded VolIds:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)   (none)
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)     AS Extension: WrMpClassId=3,
07/20/04   02:20:53
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24) Generating ssOpenSeg Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)  Storage Service Segments:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)  VolId=17462, Start=35959, Offset=0,
                          Locked=False, Deallocated=False
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24) Generating BF Copy Control Context Report:
07/20/04   02:20:53      (24)  No global copy control blocks.
07/20/04   02:21:13      (24)   procNum=6, status=Disk Storage Pool
                          Moved Files: 0, Moved Bytes: 0, Unreadable Files:
                          Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current Physical File
                          565,248 Waiting for mount of output volume 030022
                          seconds). , cancelInProgress=False
07/20/04   02:21:13      (24)   descr=Migration, name=MIGRATION,
07/20/04   02:21:13
07/20/04   02:21:13      (84) Thread SsAuxThread (20) is a grandchild
                          related to: 24
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20) Generating TM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20) Generating Database Transaction Table
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20) Generating SM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)  *** no sessions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20) Generating AS Vol Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)  Mounted (or mount in progress) volumes:
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)  Volume 030022(19736) --> SessId=114,
                          Use=Bitfile, ClassId=3, ClassName=MGOTAPE,
                          IsScratch=True, VolSeqNum=0,
                          Allocated=False, NextSeqNum=736,
                          Open=True, OpenInProg=True, MountMode=Read/Write,
                          Reuse=Keep, IsFirstMount=False, IsEmpty=False,
                          IsNewScratch=False, PreemptAccess=False,
                          TwoSided=False, SideSeqNum=-1
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20) Generating ssSession Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)  No storage service sessions active.
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20) Generating ssOpenSeg Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)  No storage service segments found.
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20) Generating BF Copy Control Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)  No global copy control blocks.
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)   procNum=5, status=ANR6902I Number of plan
                          processed: 2. Currently processing stanza:
                          SERVER.REQUIREMENTS., cancelInProgress=False
07/20/04   02:21:13      (20)   descr=PREPARE, name=PREPARE,
07/20/04   02:21:13
07/20/04   02:21:13      (84) Thread AgentThread (29) is a great-grandchild
                          related to: 20
07/20/04   02:21:13      (29) Generating TM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:13      (29)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:13      (29) Generating Database Transaction Table
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29) Generating SM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29)  *** no sessions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29) Generating AS Vol Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29)  No mounted (or mount in progress) volumes.
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29) Generating ssSession Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29)  No storage service sessions active.
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29) Generating ssOpenSeg Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29)  No storage service segments found.
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29) Generating BF Copy Control Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (29)  No global copy control blocks.
07/20/04   02:21:14
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) DfMigrationAgent : ANR9999D calling thread
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) Generating TM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) Generating Database Transaction Table
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) Generating SM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84)  *** no sessions found ***
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) Generating AS Vol Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84)  No mounted (or mount in progress) volumes.
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) Generating ssSession Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84)  No storage service sessions active.
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) Generating ssOpenSeg Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84)  No storage service segments found.
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) Generating BF Copy Control Context Report:
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84)  No global copy control blocks.
07/20/04   02:21:14
07/20/04   02:21:14      (84) End Context report

07/20/04   02:26:00      ANR0984I Process 7 for MIGRATION started in the
                          at 02:26:00 AM.
07/20/04   02:26:00      ANR9999D dsutil.c(264): ThreadId<84> Pool id 4 not
07/20/04   02:26:00      ANR1000I Migration process 7 started for storage
07/20/04   02:26:00      (84) Context report
07/20/04   02:26:00      (84) Thread DfMigrationThread (24) is a child
                          related to: 84
07/20/04   02:26:00      (24) Generating TM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:00      (24) slot -> 29:
07/20/04   02:26:00      (24) Tsn=0:618279197, Resurrected=False,
07/20/04   02:26:00      (24)  Participants=1, summaryVote=ReadOnly
07/20/04   02:26:00          Participant DB: voteReceived=False,
07/20/04   02:26:00        Locks held by Tsn=0:618279197 :
07/20/04   02:26:00          Type=47052, NameSpace=0, SummMode=sLock,
07/20/04   02:26:00          Type=46001, NameSpace=0, SummMode=sLock,
07/20/04   02:26:00          Type=47051, NameSpace=0, SummMode=isLock,
07/20/04   02:26:00      ANR9999D dfmigr.c(1279): ThreadId<84> Error
                          attributes for pool (4).
07/20/04   02:26:00      ANR1117W Error initiating migration for storage
pool  -
                          internal server error detected.
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24) Generating Database Transaction Table
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24) Generating SM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)  *** no sessions found ***
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24) Generating AS Vol Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)  No mounted (or mount in progress) volumes.
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24) Generating ssSession Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)  Storage Service Sessions:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)  Session 115 --> BufConfig=XLarge,
                          TransBufSize=262144, SplitBuf=False, WrCount=0,
                          WrBufIsEmpty=False, WrBufIsFull=False,
                          SinkRc=0, AuxCreated=True, AuxBegin=False,
                          AuxIsSink=False, AuxIdle=True, AuxTerminate=False
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)     Leased Volumes:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)   (none)
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)     Excluded VolIds:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)   (none)
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)     AS Extension: WrMpClassId=-1,
07/20/04   02:26:01
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24) Generating ssOpenSeg Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)  No storage service segments found.
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24) Generating BF Copy Control Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)  No global copy control blocks.
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)   procNum=7, status=Disk Storage Pool
                          Moved Files: 0, Moved Bytes: 0, Unreadable Files:
                          Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current Physical File
                          2,306,048, cancelInProgress=False
07/20/04   02:26:01      (24)   descr=Migration, name=MIGRATION,
07/20/04   02:26:01
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) DfMigrationAgent : ANR9999D calling thread
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) Generating TM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) Generating Database Transaction Table
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84)  *** no transactions found ***
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) Generating SM Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84)  *** no sessions found ***
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) Generating AS Vol Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84)  No mounted (or mount in progress) volumes.
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) Generating ssSession Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84)  No storage service sessions active.
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) Generating ssOpenSeg Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84)  No storage service segments found.
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) Generating BF Copy Control Context Report:
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84)  No global copy control blocks.
07/20/04   02:26:01
07/20/04   02:26:01      (84) End Context report

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