I have a case where point in time restore is not working as I would
expect.  Here's the sequence:

Day 1:  Create file "A", incremental backup.  File A has active version,
none inactive.

Day 2:  Delete file "A", incremental backup.  File A has no active
version, 1 inactive.

Day 3:  Create a new file named "A", incremental backup.  File A has
active version, 1 inactive.


On day 4, do a PiT restore to the point after the backup on Day 2.  File
"A" is in the list with an inactive mark.  It should not be in the list
at all, since it was non-existent at the time of the backup.  How do I
get a restore list that contains just the files that existed at the time
of the backup on Day 2?


Bill Mansfield


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