Have you tried to verify that the devices your paths point to are still the 
same? Or, better yet, deleted all your paths from all the library clients and 
regenerated them from scratch? 

We haven't run with a real 3584 in a while, but whenever I get weird errors 
with library managers and shared libraries, that's where I go first. You 
probably have, but you haven't said so, only that you've worked with the 

Just a thought,

On Jun 3, 2010, at 11:03 PM, Fred Johanson wrote:

> About 6 weeks ago, our hardware guy upgraded  the code on the TS3500 and 
> ATape to the latest levels and made some hardware upgrades (details on 
> request).  Within days we began to have assorted tape mount problems.  
> Supports initial response was to upgrade the TSM level to to avoid a 
> known problem with SANDISCOVERY.  So we upgrade to the latest V5R5 level, but 
> we still see problems.  So we turn off SANDISCOVERY, and things get quiet; 
> the telltale AIX message "RESERVATION CONFLICT".  Support asks us to turn on 
> SANDISCOVERY on various Library clients, with no effect until last Friday, 
> when the Library Manager goes crazy.  So turn off SANDISCOVERY on the LM and 
> all goes quiet.
> Yesterday the CE upgraded the TS3500 to the very latest, and within minutes 
> the Library begins refusing to mount tapes, with total disregard to the 
> presence or absence of SANDISCOVERY and potentially disastrous effect on 
> LANFREE backups.  As I see it, from my TSM seat, the common thread here is 
> the AIX message of "Reservation Conflict", which points to the hardware 
> changes made.
> So after hours of looking at logs and mount messages and traces, which has 
> left me groggy, the question is "Is anyone out there seen any difficulty  
> with the software combination of latest version of AIX 5, TSM 5.5, and the 
> TS3500.  Jeremiah, that's me, has been saying for weeks that the problem lies 
> somewhere in the combination of hba, switch, port, and whatever, but 
> management always blames TSM.
> Pardon my incoherence, but I've been reading logs, etc., for the lastin 15 
> hours.

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