Stas Bekman wrote:

> Jayce^ wrote:
>> On Monday 13 December 2004 03:59 pm, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>> Jayce^++, should we better do it on the users list, so others can
>>> benefit
>>> from the discussion? so we kill two birds in one shot. of course it may
>>> generate some extra noise. So it's up to you Jayce^ to decide whether
>>> you
>>> want to sum more or less :)
>> I'm willing to do either, I just thought this channel might be better
>> since it really is an advocacy issue.
> But at the same time, many users on the modperl list wonder why should
> they move to mp2. That's why I thought to run it there. It'll also give
> you a chance to here why it's not a good idea to move to mp2, which is
> just as important for PR.

hi again,

i still think it's important that the why/why not "bullet list(s)" should be relatively short.

there are probably more than 5 good reasons to choose either to upgrade or not, but if we need 15+ points/bullets to explain to a "non-converted" why he/she should upgrade i personally think the "non-converted" will loose interest.

if we think this list as a list on i imagine something in the vein of this would be cool [just a quick thought though]:

HEADER: here are 5 major reasons why you should upgrade to mod_perl2

 * reason1
 * reason2
 * reason3
 * reason4
 * reason5

TEXT: and click here to view 50 reasons more why you should upgrade

TEXT: and click here to view 500 reasons more why you should be using mod_perl in the first place at all

HEADER: Scared of upgrading ? TEXT: 5 major reasons why you shouldn't upgrade


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