We are getting the above-referenced error when attempting to upload 
conversions to an account that's managed by a MCC account. We're using the 
MCC for the login-customer-id field and the ads account everywhere else. 
The account managing conversions seems to be the child ads account (not the 

An example is request ID WzkP8QkfUSRuISwTFri24A with the following header 
and payload:

POST /v13/customers/{child account id}/:uploadClickConversions HTTP/1.1
Host: googleads.googleapis.com
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer {auth token}
Content-Type: application/json
developer-token: {dev token}
login-customer-id: {mcc account id}

{"partialFailure":true,"customer_id":"{child account 
13:12:37-00:00","conversion_action":"customers\/{child account 
13:12:37-00:00","conversion_action":"customers\/{child account 

Here is the response received:

  "partialFailureError": {
    "code": 3,
    "message": "Multiple errors in ‘details’. First error: The click from 
the imported event is associated with a different Google Ads account. Make 
sure you're importing to the correct account., at conversions[0].gclid",
    "details": [
        "errors": [
            "errorCode": {
              "conversionUploadError": "INVALID_CUSTOMER_FOR_CLICK"
            "message": "The click from the imported event is associated 
with a different Google Ads account. Make sure you're importing to the 
correct account.",
            "trigger": {
            "location": {
              "fieldPathElements": [
                  "fieldName": "conversions",
                  "index": 0
                  "fieldName": "gclid"
            "errorCode": {
              "conversionUploadError": "INVALID_CUSTOMER_FOR_CLICK"
            "message": "The click from the imported event is associated 
with a different Google Ads account. Make sure you're importing to the 
correct account.",
            "trigger": {
            "location": {
              "fieldPathElements": [
                  "fieldName": "conversions",
                  "index": 1
                  "fieldName": "gclid"
  "results": [

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