
I'm creating UAC campaign  by calling campaign_service.mutate with the 
following settings :
(API version v201809)
    'name': name,
    'status': 'PAUSED',
    'advertisingChannelType': 'MULTI_CHANNEL',
    'advertisingChannelSubType': 'UNIVERSAL_APP_CAMPAIGN',
    'biddingStrategyConfiguration': {
        'biddingScheme': {
            'xsi_type': 'TargetCpaBiddingScheme',
            'targetCpa': {
                'microAmount': '1000000'
        'biddingStrategyType': 'TARGET_CPA'
    'budget': {
        'budgetId': IdBudget
    'settings' = [
            'xsi_type': 'UniversalAppCampaignSetting',
            'appId': APP_ID,
            'appVendor': 'VENDOR_GOOGLE_MARKET' ,
            'description1': description1,
            'description2': description2,
            'description3': description3,
            'description4': description4,

exactly as described on this documentation :  
https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/mobile-app-campaigns .

For some of my accounts this call works, but on google UI I 
see description3 & description4 changed to title2 & title2, and some Ad 
group are created automatically. 
 for other accounts I get this error : 


does the documentation is up to date for this campaign type ? and are there 
other way to create UAC campaign working for all accounts  ?

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