New build of AfterGRASP is up for download:

Tue, 24 February 2009 BETA

New deep color support in place. Previously variables like @COLORNUM
were just a 32bit integer. Now it's a complex value that can be 24bit,
32bit, 48bit, 64bit, 96bit, or 128bit. This required changes to anywhere
in AfterGRASP that a color is used, which is ALL over the place. I've
run some test scripts, but because of the nature of these extensive changes
there may be bugs in some more obscure color conversions, like CMYK,
or with flood/mask routines.

IMAGESAVEPNG byte order when saving 48bit/64bit images fixed.

IMAGELOADPNG byte order when saving 48bit/64bit images fixed.

Commands that are tested with 48bit color and working are DRAWPIXEL
and COLOR with RGB values. Here is a simple test script:

  drawCLEAR white
  color black
  imagenew test48 100 100 48
  imageset test48
  for y from 0 count @drawheight
    for x from 0 count @drawwidth
      color (@x*65535)/(@drawwidth-1) (@y*65535)/(@drawwidth-1) 32768
      drawpixel @x @y
  imagesavepng test48.png

IMAGESAVETIFF and IMAGELOADTIFF tested with 48bit/64bit images, and
working. But 96bit/128bit are still not working.


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