"AGI should show us the truth. It shouldn't be deliberately biased. And this is 
the best weapon against racism. Racism is irrational - it comes from, built in 
human nature, bias against aliens."

So, given that the preferred model to base AGI on - the human brain - is thus 
fallible, we should turn to machines to fix human morality? I think this is 
preposterous. The reasoning places the human species at the level of a lowly 
animal, who seems incapable of learning and adapting. For interest, please 
refer to Covey's book, The 8th habit, on human integrity.

I'd propose rather building a separate species of machine, as its own 
intelligence. Let humans sort out their self-destructive patterns as a species. 
Only the naturally fittest would survive. For decades now, human beings have 
proven to not be the naturally fittest, but the architectural potential remains.

From: Jan Matusiewicz <jan.matusiew...@gmail.com>
Sent: 23 February 2017 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Politically Incorrect AGI, the Machined Learned Racism 

AGI should show us the truth. It shouldn't be deliberately biased. And this is 
the best weapon against racism. Racism is irrational - it comes from, built in 
human nature, bias against aliens. Humans have a tendency to generalize 
negative features of units to whole groups in a very different way for our 
group and the alien group. We have examples of that in the history and now. The 
idea that some nations should be eradicated or enslaved because they so much 
differ from our nation is riddiculous. But is was very popular. Assuming that 
all people from particular countries should be banned from entering your 
country is also irrational but appealing for many.

An AGI which tries to be as objective as possible would be free from this 
dangerous tendency. This would make political correctness unnecessary for it. 
However it is possible that people would interpret its finding in a racist way. 
For example it may find out that ethnic group A is better at IQ tests then 
group B, but this is be due to lower educational level of B. Some people would 
repeat only the first part of its finding.

On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 21:51 Dr Miles Dyson, 
<drmilesbennettdy...@gmail.com<mailto:drmilesbennettdy...@gmail.com>> wrote:
If the world is such that the data that exists supports empirical and 
scientific racism (or insert your politically incorrect world view here), how 
could we create a AGI that could avoid (or minimize the likelihood of it) 
taking such an undesirable view?
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