Ben Goertzal wrote:

I don't think that a pragmatically-achievable amount of formally-encoded
knowledge is going to be enough to allow a computer system to think
deeply and creatively about any domain -- even a technical domain about
science. What's missing, among other things, is the intricate
interlinking between declarative and procedural knowledge.  When humans
learn a domain, we learn not only facts, we learn techniques for
thinking and problem-solving and experimenting and
information-presentation .. and we learn these in such a way that
they're all mixed up with the facts.... 

What you're describing is the "Expert System" approach to AI, closely
related to the "common sense" approach to AI.

I agree that as humans we bring a lot of general knowledge with us when
we learn a new domain.  That is why I started off with the general
conversational domain and am now branching into science, philosophy,
mathematics and history.  And of course the AI can not make all the
connections without being extensively interviewed on a subject and
having a human help clarify it's areas of confusion just as a parent
answers questions for a child or a teacher for a student.  I am not in
fact trying to take the exhaustive approach one domain at a time
approach but rather to teach it the most commonly known and requested
information first.  My last email just used that description to identify
my thoughts on grounding.  I am hoping that by doing this and repeating
the interviewing process in an iterative development cycle that
eventually the bot will eventually be able to discuss many different
subjects at a somewhat superficial level much as same as most humans are
capable of.  This is a lot different from the exhaustive definition that
Cyc provides for each concept.

I view what I am doing distinct from expert systems because I do not yet
use either a backward or forward inference engine to satisfy a limited
number of goal states. The knowledge base is not in the form of rules
but rather many matched patterns and encoded factoids of knowledge many
of which are transitory in nature and track the context of the
conversation.  Each pattern may trigger a request for additional
information like an expert system.  But the bot does not have a
particular goal state in mind other that learning new information unless
a specific request of it is made by the user.  I also differ from Cyc in
that realizing the importance of English as a user interface from the
beginning, all internal thoughts and goal states occur as an internal
dialog in English.  This eliminates the requirement to translate an
internal knowledge representation to an external natural language other
than providing one or response patterns to specific input patterns.  It
also makes it easy to monitor what the bot is learning and whether it is
making proper inferences because it's internal thought process is
displayed in English while in debug mode..  The templates which generate
the responses in some cases do have conditional logic to determine which
output template is appropriate response based on the AI's personality
variables and the context of the current conversation.  Variables are
also set conditionally to maintain metadata for context.  If the
references a male in it's response [He] and [Him] get set vs. [Her] and
[She] if a female is referenced.  [CurrentTopic], [It], [There] and
[They] are all set to maintain backward contextual references.  

I was able to find a few references to the Common Sense approach to AI
on google and some of the difficulties in achieving it.  And I must
admit I have not yet implemented non-monotonic reason or probabilistic
reasoning as of yet.  I am not under the illusion that I am necessarily
inventing or implementing anything that has not been conceived of
before.  As Newton says if I achieve great heights it will be because I
have stood on the shoulders of giants.  I just see the current state of
the art and think that it can be made much better.  I do not actually
know how far I can take it while staying self-funded, but hopefully by
the time my money runs out it will demonstrate enough utility and
potential to be of value to someone.  I think I like the sound of the
Common Sense Approach to AI though.   I can't remember the last time
anyone accused me of having common sense, but I like the sound of it!

I don't think AI is absent sufficient theory, just sufficient execution.
I feel like the Cyc Project's heart was in the right place and the level
of effort was certainly great, but perhaps the purity of their vision
took priority over usability of the end result.  Is any company actually
using Cyc as anything other than a search engine yet?  

That being said other than Cyc I am at a loss to name any serious AI
efforts which are over a few years in duration and have more that 5 man
years worth of effort (not counting promotional and fundraising).  

The Open Source efforts are interesting and have some utility but are
starting to get that designed by committee feel and enhancements are
starting to feel like kludges tacked on due to limitations in the
initial design.

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