> Our AGI will come to know everything.  Every single flap of every
> wing in all of history.  If it has emotions like ours, it may become
> depressed and realize that it is all pointless.  Maybe we will understand
> and agree with the AGI's explanation. What happens then?
> While I shudder at the enormity of the responsibility, I am in the process
> of forming committees to address the challenges of each category.  For
> of you that feel the burden of the future upon your shoulders, please let
> know which committees you feel compelled to serve on.
> Kevin Copple
> P.S.  I also need a name for the website, the foundation, and a good
> Any suggestions?

If you are willing to have me, this is the one I would like to serve on.
Because I have very strong views that such a thing isn't possible, and would
like to debate that issue, among others.

C. David Noziglia
Object Sciences Corporation
6359 Walker Lane, Alexandria, VA
(703) 253-1095

    "What is true and what is not? Only God knows. And, maybe, America."
                                  Dr. Khaled M. Batarfi, Special to Arab

    "Just because something is obvious doesn't mean it's true."
                 ---  Esmerelda Weatherwax, witch of Lancre
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Copple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 8:42 AM
Subject: [agi] The Next Wave

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