
If in the Novamente configuration the dedicated Ethics Unit is focussed 
on GoalNode refinement, it might be worth using another term to 
describe the whole ethical architecture/machinery which would involve 
aspects of most/all (??) Units plus perhaps even the Mind Operating 
System (??).

Maybe we need to think about an 'ethics system' that is woven into the 
whole Novamente architecture and processes.

I think it's worth developing a bit of a map (not in the Novamente jargon 
sense) to show all the elements of an ethics system.  I've covered 
some aspects of this in an earlier post (Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:57:34 
+1000) but I'll just follow a couple of thoughts.......

I wonder if the top of the ethics hierarchy is the commitment of the AGI 
to act 'ethically' - ie. to have a commitment to modifying its own 
behaviour to benefit non-self (including life, people, other AGIs,  
community, etc.)

This means that an AGI has to be able to perceive self and non-self 
and to be able to subdivide non-self into elements or layers or whatever 
that deserve focussed empathetic or compassionate consideration.  
Maybe the perceptual and pattern recognition architecture can be 
enhanced to make it easy for a non-trained AGI to grapple with these 

Maybe the experience of biological life, especially highly intelligent 
biological life, is useful here.  Young animals, including humans, seem 
to depend on hard wired instinct to see them through in relation to 
certain key issues before they have experienced enough to rely heavily 
or largely on learned and rational processes.

Another key issue for the ethics system, but this time for more mature 
AGIs, is how the basic system architecture guides or restricts or 
facilitates the AGI's self modification process.  Maybe AGIs need to be 
designed to be social in that they have a really strong desire to: 

(a) talk to other advanced sentient beings to kick around ideas for self 
modification before they commit themselves to fundamental change.  
This does not preclude changes that are not approved of by the 
collective but it might at least make an AGI give any changes careful 
consideration. If this is a good direction to go in it suggests that having 
more than one AGI around is a good thing.

(b) to spend quite a bit of time/mental effort in contemplation before 
committing to fundamental self modificatation.

(c) maybe AGIs need to have reached a certain age or level of maturity 
before their machinary for fundamental self-modification is turned 
on...and maybe it gets turned on for different aspects of itself at 
different times in its process of maturation.

Some of these issues will come up in relation to humans as they face 
the possibilities of individual and collective transformation via genetic 
engineering, body modification and cyborgisation.

Cheers, Philip

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