> Huh.  We may not be on the same page.  Using:
> http://www.idsia.ch/~marcus/ai/aixigentle.pdf
> Page 5:
> "The general framework for AI might be viewed as the design and study of
> intelligent agents [RN95]. An agent is a cybernetic system with some
> internal state, which acts with output yk on some environment in cycle k,
> perceives some input xk from the environment and updates its internal
> state. Then the next cycle follows. We split the input xk into a regular
> part x0k and a reward rk, often called reinforcement feedback. From time
> to time the environment provides non-zero reward to the agent.
> The task of
> the agent is to maximize its utility, defined as the sum of
> future rewards."
> I didn't see any reward function V defined for AIXI in any of the Hutter
> papers I read, nor is it at all clear how such a V could be
> defined, given
> that the internal representation of "reality" produced by Solomonoff
> induction is not fixed enough for any reward function to operate on it in
> the same way that, e.g., our emotions bind to our own standardized
> cognitive representations.

Quite literally, we are not on the same page ;)

Look at page 23, Definition 10 of the "intelligence ordering relation"
(which says what it means for one system to be more intelligent than
another).  And look at the start of Section 4.1, which Definition 10 lives

The reward function V is defined there, basically as cumulative reward over
a period of time.  It's used all thru Section 4.1, and following that, it's
used mostly implicitly inside the intelligence ordering relation.

As Definition 10 makes clear, intelligence is defined relative to a fixed
reward function.  What the theorems about AIXItl state is that, given a
fixed reward function, the AIXItl can do as well as any other algorithm at
achieving this reward function, if you give it computational resources equal
to those that the other algorithm got, plus a constant.  But the constant is
fucking HUGE.

Whether you specify the fixed reward function in its cumulative version or
not doesn't really matter...

-- Ben

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