Tuesday, February 11, 2003, 9:44:31 PM, Shane Legg wrote:

SL> However even within this scenario the concept of "fixed goal" is
SL> something that we need to be careful about.  The only real goal
SL> of the AIXI system is to get as much reward as possible from its
SL> environment.  A "goal" is just our description of what that means.
SL> If the AI gets reward for winning at chess then quickly it will get
SL> very good at chess.  If it then starts getting punished for winning
SL> it will then quickly switch to losing at chess.  Has the goal of
SL> the system changed?  Perhaps not.  Perhaps the goal always was:
SL> Win at chess up to point x in time and then switch to losing.
SL> So we could say that the goal was always fixed, it's just that up
SL> to point x in time the AI thought the goal was to alway win and it
SL> wasn't until after point x in time that it realised that the real
SL> goal was actually slightly more complex.  In which case does it make
SL> any sense to talk about AIXI as being limited by having fixed goals?
SL> I think not.

Perhaps someone can clarify some issues for me.

I'm not good at math -- I can't follow the AIXI materials and I don't
know what Solomonoff induction is.  So it's unclear to me how a
certain goal is mathematically defined in this uncertain, fuzzy

What I'm assuming, at this point, is that AIXI and Solomonoff
induction depend on operation in a "somehow predictable" universe -- a
universe with some degree of entropy, so that its data is to some
extent "compressible".  Is that more or less correct?

And in that case, "goals" can be defined by feedback given to the
system, because the desired behaviour patterns it induces from the
feedback *predictably* lead to the desired outcomes, more or less?

I'd appreciate if someone could tell me if I'm right or wrong on this,
or point me to some plain english resources on these issues, should
they exist.  Thanks.


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