On 2/11/03 8:05 PM, "Cliff Stabbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd appreciate if someone could tell me if I'm right or wrong on this,
> or point me to some plain english resources on these issues, should
> they exist.  Thanks.

Very few resources are available that even come close to giving it the
treatment it deserves.  I've scoured the web and various obscure math
publications for years and never found much.  The Li and Vitanyi book is as
close as I've found to a a good general mathematical primer on the subject,
but it is a relatively expensive book.

Personally speaking, the extent to which this area of mathematics appears to
have been overlooked or ignored was surprising to me.  As a result, it is
hard to really get into unless you are willing to do some leg work.  If I
wasn't so lazy/busy over the years I could have easily written a good sized
book on the topic without covering any ground that had already been covered
in writing somewhere else.  From my point of view it is worth the effort to
learn though.


-James Rogers

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