Brad Wyble wrote:
> Tell me this, have you ever killed an insect because it bothered you?

Well, of course.  But there's bothering and BOTHERING.  Let me give you
an example: I will often squash a deer-fly or a mosquito because a) they
hurt and b) they can infect me with disease.  However I live quite
comfortably with dust mites and spiders and we never bother each other.

I consider myself *at least* altuistic enough so that, if given Ultimate
Power, I would leave lesser beings to thier own devices.  And that is
the least altruistic I can imagine myself being... anything more than
that is a *win* for humanity, and some people think that even *that*
would be a win.

(By the way, Ultimate Power is not on my list of personal goals ;)

Michael Roy Ames

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