> Say I'm designing an AGI architecture (which I am btw, but it is
> to this discussion :)  and I want to preprocess audio data so that speech
> already parsed by the time it enters the AI's cognitive modules.  All I
> to do is obtain a preexisting natural language parser program and then
> tailor the AI cognitive module(s) to work w/ it's output instead of raw
> audio data.  I don't need to even look at the parsers' code if I don't
> to. (Although it may ease the use of it if I do examine it, it;s not
> necessary)

>From the MS Speech Development Kit genre, I believe some of the early SAPI
versions, i.e. <= 4.0, did some limited amount of syntactical natural
language parsing along with the speech recognition.  It's been some time
since I looked at this, but I believe my conclusion was that it wasn't all
that reliable, i.e. low % accuracy for correct POS identification?, etc.  I
don't know if this gets you where you want to go, but it might be worth
looking at.

BTB, it seems a better, more forward looking approach to your architecture
might be to implement audio parsing (AP - or speech recognition SR?),
natural language parsing (NLP) and cognitive processing (CP) or cognition as
a coherent whole, not the other way around with separate and distinct audio
parsing (AP), natural language parsing (NLP), and cognitive processing (CP)
modules...as you suggest with your comments about an OO approach.

In addition to the tremendous benefits of architecting something closer to
real AGI, i.e. an obvious increase in the 'Goertzelian Real-AGI' level ;-),
you would have the benefits of computational optimization, specifically,
reduced # of ops to cognition, reduced object I/O, reduced latency, reduced
processing redundancy, etc. assuming, of course, your implementation of the
cognitive processing (CP) doesn't incur a tremendous overhead from the
synthesis with the other two modules.

> I suppose I'm saying you can approach the mind (or any complex system that
> has at least vaguely recognizable functional subsystems) in a manner
> analogous to that of Object Oriented Programming


Just my $0.02 worth.  EGHeflin

> Jonathan Standley
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