>I personally think humans as a society are capable of saving themselves from their own individual and collective stupidity.  I've worked explicitly on this issue for 30 years and still retain some optimism on the subject.

>> Colin: I'm with Pei Wang. Let's explore and deal with it.

>OK, if you're with Pei, what exactly is the position that you are not with? 
>Cheers, Philip

The usual paradoxes and dichotomies:

-letting it happen by accident.

-getting too misty eyed about homo sapiens sapiens when we're a last minute mayfly in the scheme of things.

-not getting misty eyed enough about homo sapiens sapiens and not looking after my children's interests.

-not including a moral/ethical department alongside the AGI development (like this one!)

-letting an ungrounded self modifying AGI loose.

-constructing a cottage industry out of second-guessing an outcome. We have enough insurance salesmen.

-behaving like the down side has already happened.

-behaving like the down side won't happen...







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