


Ben Goertzel wrote:
Hi ,

For a speculative futuristic article I'm writing (for a journal issue edited
by Francis Heylighen), I need a new word: a word to denote a mind that is
halfway between an individual mind and a society of minds.

Not a hive-mind, but rather a community of minds that exchange
thoughts/ideas directly rather than thru language, and hence derive a degree
of synergetic mutual intelligence much greater than that achievable in a
society of separate minds....

I'm reviewing two possible future examples of such minds

1) a community of Novamente AI engines

2) a community of human minds that are enhanced with neurochips or related
technologies and linked into a Net enabled with "Kazaa for

Any suggestions?

Also, any reference to prior ("serious" or science-fictional) developments
of this theme?

Ben G

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