Eliezer wrote:
> Are you talking about the "average" point in the phase space in the sense 
> of an average empirical human brain, or in the sense of a randomly
> selected point in the phase space?  I assume you mean the former, since, 
> for the latter question, if you have a simple program P that 
> produces a phase space of size 2^X, the average size of a random point 
> in the phase space must be roughly X (plus the size of P?) according to 
> both Shannon and Kolmogorov.

Arrgh...  What you said.  My post was sloppy, and I stated it really badly.  

I'm literally doing about 5-way multitasking today, all "important" things that
demand my attention.  It seems that my email time-slice is under-performing
under the circumstances.


-James Rogers

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