
After reading “Essentials of General Intelligence: The
Direct Path to AGI,” the A2I2 website, and your
personal website (with the exception of the articles
on the CRONS diet, which I’ve been following for
several years), I was pleased to discover that we
share virtually identical approaches to AGI, ethics,
and life in general.  As soon as I became familiar
with your work, I immediately felt that my desire to
help usher in an extropian singularity was best served
by the following goal: to collaborate with A2I2 in
whatever capacity possible.

My primary interest is in cognitive science,
especially theories of natural language acquisition,
motivation and emotion, understanding of which I feel
is critical to the quest for “friendly” SI.

A brief personal background:  I recently graduated
with high honors from the University of Texas, with a
BA in English and a minor in Philosophy.  I entered my
undergraduate with a full-ride National Merit
Scholarship and 55 hours of advanced placement credit,
which gave me the freedom to explore a wide range of
intellectual disciplines.  I entered the Engineering
Honors Program and planned to pursue aerospace
engineering, but a freshman seminar entitled “The
Ethics and Politics of Everyday Life” shook my
philosophical foundations and prompted me to pursue
the liberal arts.  As an undergraduate, I gained a
solid foundation in philosophy of mind, as well as an
introduction to neuroanatomy.  However, the bulk of my
knowledge of cognitive science has come from
independent study.  The following books should give
you a rough idea of my intellectual background as well
as the depth and scope of my relevant knowledge:

Language in Thought and Action – SI Hayakawa
How We Believe – Michael Shermer 
Consciousness Explained – Daniel C. Dennett 
At Home in the Universe – The Search for Laws of
Self-Organization and Complexity
The Age of Spiritual Machines – Ray Kurzweil
The Quantum Brain – Jeffrey Satinover
The Mind Within the Net – Manfred Spitzer
The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind’s
Hidden Complexities - Gilles Fauconnier, Mark Turner
Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the
Future of Human Intelligence – Andy Clark
The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the
Making of Consciousness – Antonio Damasio
Neural Network Perspectives on Cognition and Adaptive
Robotics – Anthony Browne

I look forward to learning the details of your AGI
implementation, especially the “introspection/control
probe,” which seems so crucial, but which you gloss
over in “Essentials…”  

I sincerely hope that I can be of some service to
A2I2.  I am willing to drop everything, move to LA,
work full-time (probably 60+ hours a week, as this
stuff feels more like fun than work to me), and I am
already accustomed to meager accommodation.

Optimally yours,
Owen OBrien

--- Peter Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is a review and status report on our project:
> We are again actively looking for (at least) two
> additional LA-based team
> members. Contact me for details. 
> Towards Increased Intelligence!
> Peter
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