is worth how many Microsofts?

Main Loop of Artificial Intelligence So Machines Can Learn
--- Security
--- --- HCI (Human-Computer Interaction)
--- --- Rejuvenate (for cyborg immortality)
--- --- psiDecay
--- --- Ego
--- Sensorium
--- --- Audition
--- --- --- Listen
--- --- --- --- audSTM (auditory Short Term Memory)
--- --- --- --- --- audRecog (auditory Recognition)
--- --- --- oldConcept
--- --- --- --- Parser
--- --- --- --- --- Instantiate
--- --- --- --- Activate
--- --- --- --- --- spreadAct (spreading Activation)
--- --- --- newConcept (machine learning)
--- --- --- --- enVocab (English Vocabulary)
--- --- --- --- Parser
--- --- --- --- --- Instantiate
--- Emotion
--- --- Cognitive Component
--- --- --- Physiological Component
--- Think
--- --- Activate
--- --- --- spreadAct (spreading Activation)
--- --- English
--- --- --- Ask
--- --- --- --- wtAuxSDo (whatDoSubjectsDo?)
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- --- --- negSVO
--- --- --- --- auxVerb
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- --- --- SVO (Subject+Verb+Object)
--- --- --- --- nounPhrase
--- --- --- --- --- Reify
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- --- --- --- --- Activate
--- --- --- --- --- --- spreadAct
--- --- --- --- verbPhrase
--- --- --- --- --- Reify
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- --- --- --- --- nounPhrase
--- --- --- --- Conjoin
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- Volition
--- Motorium

AT Murray
2004 America and 1944 Nazi Germany as seen from the future:
Bush=Hitler Cheney=Bormann Rumsfeld=Goring Ashcroft=Himmler
Paul Bremer = Hans Frank; Ahmed Chelabi = Vidkun Quisling;
Fallujah=Guernica Halliburton=Krupp Guantanamo=Auschwitz

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