David Hart wrote:
> Because the memory controller resides on the CPU in 
> Opteron systems, all 8 CPUs must be populated, but
> this can be achieved with the slowest/cheapest model,
> the Opteron 840 (1.4 GHz). 

I would second using the cheapest CPU part available, which currently is
the 1.6GHz part, you'll save pocket change by going with the 1.4GHz part
(for the 2xx series, the difference is about $10).

The low clock speed is deceptive.  If you use one of the AMD64 optimized
compilers (e.g. http://www.pathscale.com) rather than GCC, the real
performance is stunning even on "slow" CPU parts -- it is as fast or
faster than pretty much anything else in the general case.  For SMP
codes, the only thing comparable is the Unix Big Iron (e.g. IBM's Power
series boxen) in terms of how it scales across multiple processors.  Of
all the different architectures I touch, the Opteron is my favorite. 
Top-notch Big Iron performance at commodity prices.  Itanium is a bit
better for floating point (PPC970 only for DSP codes), but not much and
it is worse at a lot of other codes and expensive.  It is worth noting
that the Intel AMD64-compatible chips will be ISA compatible, but
missing all the features that make the Opterons scalable.

And as Brian noted, it has an aggressive looking roadmap.  There is a
new version of HyperTransport coming out relatively soon (maybe first
part of next year?) which will increase the scalability even more, and
the multi-core CPUs should be with us shortly.  As the big server
vendors put more and more money into big Opteron boxes, Linux being the
default OS, this looks like the bang/buck champion for the foreseeable
future.  64-bit Windows may be viable, but I have no idea if it will run
well on the bigger systems as a practical matter.  The Windows VM
continues to be funky from what I understand, though I have no personal

j. andrew rogers

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