Could well be...

Right now the Novamente design is a little too big to be a comfortable one-man 
job even for a genius, but it's off only by a factor of 5 or so, which makes it 
very plausible that a one-man-sized AGI design exists

and even NM with all its complexities could plausibly be completed to 
clever-toddler-dom by a team of me plus one awesome programmer with 3-7 years 
of total focus


-----Original Message-----
From:  Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Date:  6/12/05 9:38 am
Subj:  Re: [agi] estimated cost of Seed AI

Alexander E. Richter wrote:
> At 20:54 11.06.05 -0400, you wrote:
>>What is the estimated cost of Seed AI?
> one person
> 10 hours/day
> IQ 180+
> very good memory ("photographic" memory)
> high frustration-tolerance
> 1000-2000 $/month (To keep mind free from waste and unnecessary thought)
> hardware
> 5000 $/year
> it will take 5-10 years (starting now)
> it will take 1-7 years (someone working on it already)
> Imho, its more like the development of H1-H4 sea clocks (John Harrison)
> cu Alex

More or less "me too".

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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