On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 03:36:59PM -0500, Pei Wang wrote:

> I'm afraid the issue is not as simple as you belief. Your argument is
> based on the theory that to get what we call "intelligence", a
> necessary condition is to get a computer with the computational power
> of the human brain.

There are two issues. Bootstrap, and operation complexity.
With current lack of knowledge on constraints on operation
of biological infoprocessing system the onus is on bootstrap
(plowing through infertile parameter space). Another issue
is how much your substrate is helping you. Some operations are
intrinsically cheaper in some specific substrates. So "computational power"
is not well-defined. This especially applies to the structured
substrate between our ears. The computational power metric
on that substrate is not well-defined, in absence of a very
specific metric.

Another issue entirely is how much crunch (however you might define
crunch) is required for intelligent action, and how much crunch you
need to obtain the specific state required to perform said intelligent

I would, personally, consider throwing hardware on bootstrap
and obtaining constraints from live critters
easier than just magically extracting required knowledge from
much contemplation of mathematical navel fluff, and introspection.
> It is a valid theory, and is believed by some people, but it is still
> a theory, not a self-evident fact. Arguments are needed to convince

It is a self-evident fact that we're intelligent, and that a certain
process brought us here. Lack of progress in respect to AGI on part
of the mainstream is similiarly evident. In absence of practical progress
the onus of proof is on the side of those with extraordinary claims.

> the non-believers that this is the best way to understand and study
> "intelligence". If you think the non-believers are simply stupid or
> silly, then I have no more to say.

I think people with a bad track record shouldn't risk a lip,
unless they have a killer demo. Especially, since everybody's
funding is at stake.

Do you have a killer demo?

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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