What are the other methods of approach to Seed AI? 
Dan Goe

>From : Mike Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To : agi@v2.listbox.com
Subject : Re: [agi] Numenta: article on Jeff Hawkins' AGI approach
Date : Fri, 2 Jun 2006 10:54:31 -0400
> > The theoretical presumption here is that once you've solve the problem
> > of recognizing moderately complex patterns in perceptual data streams,
> > then you're essentially done with the AGI problem and the rest is just
> > some wrappers placed around your perception code.  I don't think
> > so....  I think they are building a nice perceptual pattern
> > recognition module, and waving their hands around arguing that it
> > actually is just an exemplar for an approach that can be more general.
> Some parts of the article definitely overemphasize the potential for
> perceptual pattern recognition to account for a large number of
> cognitive processes.  But I think that, ultimately, Hawkins et al
> probably agree with your characterization of perception.  For
> instance, they spend some time discussing the need to hook up an
> external episodic memory module in order to get more powerful
> behavior.  So surely, from an AGI perspective, they believe that HTM
> would be just one (albeit important) element in a more complex system.
> Mike
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