Hi Zale,

Thanks for the pointer. My book, What is Thought? suggested
that mind arises through a generalized Occam's razor as evolution
discovered an extremely compact program capable of dealing 
effectively with the world. Such metaphoric phenomena then
are seen as reflecting code reuse arise in a natural way. 

Eric Baum

Gabriel> Hi Eugen, Here's some research to suggest that
Gabriel> representations of space and time might not be so different.
Gabriel> From the abstract:

Gabriel> "The present paper evaluates the claim that abstract
Gabriel> conceptual domains are structured through metaphorical
Gabriel> mappings from domains grounded directly in experience.  In
Gabriel> particular, the paper asks whether the abstract domain of
Gabriel> time gets its relational structure from the more concrete
Gabriel> domain of space.  Relational similarities between space and
Gabriel> time are outlined along with several explanations of how
Gabriel> these similarities may have arisen..."

Gabriel> An interesting read.
Gabriel> http://psychology.stanford.edu/~lera/papers/metaphors.pdf

Gabriel> (By the way, I'm new here; looking forward to meeting you
Gabriel> all.)

Gabriel> Zale

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