
Well, let me waste a little bit of time:

> Distinguish homonyms from context?
I believe so, because the current AI uses ASCII characters,
not phonemes.


> Represent the concept of a homonym?
At this stage, I am not sure.

Which shows how sure you are about the fact that it's really intelligent.

> Can it handle deixis?
Since I have a degree in ancient Greek and briefly
attended U Cal Berkeley graduate school in classics,
I know that "deixis" from "deiknumi" means
"pointing" or "showing," and so I must admit
that the AI is not far enough along to "show" things.
It is an implementation of the simplest thinking that
I can muster -- a "proof of concept" program.

Since I have hands and know how to use a search engine, I can point
you to these pages:


It would most likely be extremely difficult if not impossible
to port Mind.Forth into circa 1982 Sinclair Spectrum BASIC.

Why, because of memory issues?

Sarcastic regards,
Ricardo Barreira

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