I would be interested in seeing a wiki, even if it was a bit chaotic at first.
 I know the list wanders and meanders (well) from topic to topic, and I only am interested in a subset of the whole,
and the wiki would be good place to sum up some of the knowledge taht is being articulated.


Yan King Yin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If we want to increase content and get more people interested I think
> the best thing to devote our time and effort to is a wiki rather than
> a forum. Threads have little chance of staying on topic and finding
> things in them as they meander around becomes nightmarish.
> As we can't present a definitive answer to what is intelligence the
> best we can do is try and classify the various possible answers to
> questions around intelligence so that people can see the different
> views and the projects/people that are working/thinking in that
> direction.
> A bit like this
> http://www.macrovu.com/CCTGeneralInfo.html
> But in wiki form and not so focused on the ambiguous term "think".
> I expect we will get a variety of different classifications of
> approaches, from the logic based strong self-improvers to those that
> fastidiously copy the current knowledge of a human brain.
> People can then find the projects/people they are interested in and
> read their back postings on this list.
I've been thinking of hosting a wiki for some time, but not sure if we have reached critical mass here.
When we get down to the details, people's views may diverge even further.  I can think of some potential points of disagreement:
0. what's the overall AGI architecture?
1. neurally based or logic based?
2. what's the view on Friendliness?
3. initially, self-improving or static?
4. open source or not?
5. commercial or not?
May be we can set up a simple poll place to see who agrees with whom??

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James Ratcliff

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