Which thing we want from a IA? , we want TRULY something?         the doubt
rises me that nobody affidera' never to the words of a program, e' piu' easy
to entrust itself to a book.   the book from the emergency, its words cannot
change, what there e' written e' nearly sure reliable.     it is entrusted
to us of piu' to the handbook of the bimby in order making the mousse of
chocolate that to an expert system of jurisprudence.     who, would make to
pilot its machine to a program?     who would make to regulate its cardiac
heartbeat to a program, if she were not in danger of dead women?     the
fact e' that nobody wants to have dependency from one "STUPID person" "PIU"
if not for reasons of friendship or compassion.     . and who could never
try friendship or compassion for a pentium4?     ah. I have found, we cover
the beautiful pentium with a peluches soft, and put a resistance from 40W
that loporti to a temperature gradevole. all fact. our program diventera'
INFINITELY PIU' EVOLUTO AND WORKS THEM. perhaps qualcono iniziera' to use
it.   _________________   Self-Building Robotic Brain - Fri, Nov 26, 2004,
Davy Bartoloni 12th May 2004, 11:56 #9   Member Experience Computer:
Experienced++ Join: May 2004   Davy Bartoloni is Online (Active in topic:
Italian team pinpoints the origin of consciousness)     Top       Davy
Bartoloni   Junoir member       Recorded: 16/02/06 00:58   Messages: 77
Residence: Wedge   Envoy: Ven Giu 30, 2006 10:37 am Object:         After
this vent, I continue.     Then, today task ce a structure of this type, is
the piu' flexible. cmq remains in attended of suggestions.     INPUT
INFORMATION   a tot of information.   rescue of the information originates
them (for one successive rivisitazione)     OPTIMIZATION INFORMATION
finche' the integral structure e', e' better to remove due rough errors to
human imprecisioni     DIVISION INFOMAZIONI   small subdivision of the
information in piu' that the program puo' to process     NORMALIZATION OF
THE SINGLE INFORMATION   a rounding of the information in order to
facilitate searches recording, and to improve the velocita' of elaboration
SOTITUZIONE OF THE SIMILAR INFORMATION   if 2 information are practically
identical, but they defer the not necessary deliveries to the intentional
result.   to render them, this in order to improve the structure of logon of
the information identical, and to increase the possibilita' of replies.
CREATION OF THE INTERCONNECTIONS   creation of a net for every information,
reaching to all the information cher are known, (those not still uniforms),
therefore a number TOT of nets, with gunlayers, valences, peaks,
percentages, and all which everyone of we think piu' appropriated for the
treatment.     COMPARISON OF THE NETS   the comparison for the likenesses of
the several created nets,   unification in one final net.     EXTRACTION OF
THE DISTANCE   extraction of the distance in order to obtain the result.
CREATION OF THE RESULT   always reaching to all the infomazioni available,
to create a reply, with it turns out obtained from the net, trying "the not
important" parts to you of the result., therefore     result finale= turned
out net + you leave not important     . placed side by side to these well
you leave, in contemporary, dovra' to be in function also a part of:
RECOVERY INFORMATION.     that is a procedure for being able to make the
demands appopriate, for research purposes for information lacking. (external
searches on database, Internet, asking directly or indirectly persons. or
inserting the demands piu' or less celatamente in other contexts.
after one night of job. it seems that siid it finally succeeds to use as
usual of the tabelline (inserted to the stregua of the children.. 1 for 2
equal to 2, 3 x 3 uguuale to 6. etc.     an other step ahead.     and the
next one? .     the ruotine moves them. that sara' in charge of the various
answers to the questions, based on humor of Siid. naturally false answers
will arrive alone in case of Hatred with the customer.     if cmq someone
wanted to try to make a plan parallel, is on hand for whichever thing.
the only things demanded from the programming language,   and the
possibilita' to manage ARRAY and GUNLAYERS. other not servants. (even some
good function than management stringhe. but not e' of vital importance
if someone wanted to contact to me privately, in order to create a Team
online. [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Hello and good job to All!              as far as
"instrucing". in realta "the system, puo" to approach of the witnesses,
uniforms in phrases. with completed sense or not.     we say that for the
tabelline, I have docvuto to write just, the multiplications in characters.
two for three ago six     for other things, the thing puo' is epiu' vague.
Spyware Trojan Horse in Windows-Xp, Malware application.     Siid, based on
lists that it has. it creates the base net (than a net does not have
valences on the nodes) e' only that indicates the logons.     if this net e'
too much reduced, approaches to other witnesses (than nonrmalamente they do
not come read. to type technical Nodes of information, or poetry. or other.)
with these us new evidence. when finally the net has one sure consistency.
it is continued.     if the enough large net not e', the information that
lack come asked from siid to other customers, being the system cmq fines
customer.     in order to create sub the layers that compose the idea, I use
this method, I divide the information to groups, (in the event of the
Italian, in words)     to ognuna check a value (but goes) this calculated
value e' based on the number of present Groups in the affirmation, and every
group has a value that ago part of a curve, piu' or less emphasized (this
according to to a variable one of the UMORE' that use in order to render
turns out to you piu' spigolosi, or piu' rounds off to you) (naturalemenet,
comes considers you even if with minor valence, the nets of the groups of
the words of second generation, and of third.. )     the ball e' white
man   --- > a day they have gone to sciare on one snow white woman   > it
appeals to to me to sciare     every group, e' encircled from the logons
taken from that calculation of over, piu' other variable ones (than serves
to exclude repetitions to me,)   when for every argument e' created this
structure, in order to try the likenesses between the several structures, I
try the peaks, in which the information they have one high valence piu'.
generally they are little. in SIID, there e' a diagram nell low part that
visualizes how many is,     once it finds the peaks to you, these come
connected. [it continues]     I hope not to have answered to qualcos'latro.
precise that I have not completed the advanced schools, and that I have not
never read a book on the neurali nets. therefore the technical terms I
ignore them.
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