Eliezer> Considering the infinitesimal amount of information that
Eliezer> evolution can store in the genome per generation, on the
Eliezer> order of one bit,
Eric Baum wrote:
>> Actually, with sex its theoretically possible to gain something
>> like sqrt(P) bits per generation (where P is population size), cf
>> Baum, Boneh paper could be found on whatisthought.com and also
>> Mackay paper. (This is a digression, since I'm not claiming huge
>> evolution since chimps).

Correction, I should have said, sqrt(N) bits per generation, where 
N is the length of the genome. 

Eliezer> That's for human-built genetic algorithms, not natural
Eliezer> selection. 

Eliezer> For natural selection see
Eliezer> e.g. http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/jcollie/sle/index.htm.  (I
Eliezer> don't buy some of the author's claims here, but the central
Eliezer> principle of which he gives a heuristic explanation is
Eliezer> something I've heard of before in evolutionary biology; I
Eliezer> think it goes back to Kimura.)  Natural selection does run on
Eliezer> O(1) bits per generation.

There's no real difference that I'm aware of. It did go back to
Kimura, but I believe he was wrong. Mackay's paper talks about 
natural selection, but simply applying Baum-Boneh calculation.

Eliezer> I furthermore note that gaining one standard deviation per
Eliezer> generation, which is what your paper describes, is not
Eliezer> obviously like gaining sqrt(P) bits of Shannon information
Eliezer> per generation.  Yes, the standard deviation is proportional
Eliezer> to sqrt(N), but it's not clear how you're going from that to
Eliezer> gaining sqrt(N) bits of Shannon information in the gene pool
Eliezer> per generation.  It would seem heuristically obvious that if
Eliezer> your algorithm eliminates roughly half the population on each
Eliezer> round, it can produce at most one bit of negentropy per round
Eliezer> in allele frequencies. 

Maybe, but there are a lot of different allele frequencies. N of them
to be precise.


>> I'm claiming that the hard part-- discovering the algorithms-- was
>> mostly done by humans using storage and culture. Then there was
>> some simple tuning up in brain size, and some slightly more complex
>> Baldwin-effect etc tuning up programming grammar into the genome in
>> large measure, so we become much more facile at learning the stuff
>> quickly, and maybe other similar stuff. I don't deny that if you
>> turn all that other stuff off you get an idiot, I'm just claiming
>> it was computationally easy.

Eliezer> Arguably, in a certain sense it *must* have been
Eliezer> computationally easy because natural selection is incapable
Eliezer> of doing anything computationally *hard*; evolution can't sit
Eliezer> back and design complex interdependent machinery with
Eliezer> hundreds of interlocking parts in a single afternoon, like a
Eliezer> human programmer.

That's a critical and interesting claim, but I'm not sure its correct.
Turn on ey gene on a wing, and a fly will grow a fully formed eye
there. Evolution can make small changes, such as turning on a single
gene somewhere, that create a complex, meaningful program.

Is this obviously so different from what the programmer is doing?
I'm not sure.

How does evolution do this? Well, it has built compact programs that
have solved lots of previous problems. The Occam hypothesis says,
when you build compact programs that solve lots of problems drawn
from a natural distribution, they will continue to solve new problems
drawn from the distribution. 

So evolution has built subprograms and modules that are meaningful,
and a small change can now invoke a large meaningful new program that
actually does something interesting.

I don't think its an accident that small changes continue to build 
new complex structures solving complex problems in ways that look
like the new complex structures must have been designed.

And I think this is similar from an interesting perspective
to how the programmer is capable
of being able to write complex programs that solve new problems.
Basically, he's doing the same thing, utilizing pre-built modules that
generalize because of Occam's razor.

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