On 1/6/07, Bob Mottram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Reflectors have been used on AGVs for quite some time.  However, even using
reflectors the robot has no real idea of what its environment looks like.
Most of the time it's flying blind, guessing its way between reflectors,
like a moth navigating by the light of the moon.  In my opinion to make real
progress the machine needs to be able to see the three dimensional structure
of its environment at least as well as you or I can.  Only then can it make
more intelligent decisions about what to do.

The robot navigated successfully around a home or office, avoiding
obstacles, at walking speed.  What more do you need?

I think it performed so much better than the robots developed in
academia partly because we didn't have enough processing power to use
a camera, so we weren't sucked into that black hole (at the time) of
trying to process vision.

Even now robot startup companies such as White Box Robotics seem to have
little idea of what their machines might actually be used for.  The
application of last resort is always "security", but this is a very poor use
for a robot in my opinion.  Security is better and more economically done
with a dissembodied intelligence using fixed cameras, a la 2001.

We had a customer who wanted us to attach a gun to the robot.
Probably not a programmer. :P

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