On 10/6/07, a wrote:
> I am skeptical that economies follow the self-organized criticality
> behavior.
> There aren't any examples. Some would cite the Great Depression, but it
> was caused by the malinvestment created by Central Banks. e.g. The
> Federal Reserve System. See the Austrian Business Cycle Theory for details.
> In conclusion, economics is a bad analogy with complex systems.

My objection to economic libertarianism is that it's not a free
market. A 'free' market is an impossibility. There will always be
somebody who is bigger than me or cleverer than me or better educated
than me, etc. A regulatory environment attempts to reduce the
victimisation of the weaker members of the population and introduces
another set of biases to the economy.

A free market is just a nice intellectual theory that is of no use in
the real world.
(Unless you are in the Mafia, of course).


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