After solving the aboriginal audRecog bug in 5dec07B.F, 
now we need to perform a few housekeeping details as we 
move on in the Mind.Forth coding. We must do the following. 

We must convert some of the 5dec07B.F troubleshooting 
messages into genuine diagnostic-mode messages. One way 
to proceed would be to have the messages appear at first 
in Tutorial mode to make sure that everything looks okay, 
then relegate the messages to Diagnostic mode for future use. 

We need to comment out the superfluous "psi" coding that 
was apparently a blind alley in the audRecog module, so as 
to make sure that we do not really need the code, which 
would only distract programmers from what is really going on 
in the audRecog module. Then later we must delete the 
commented-out code. 

Maybe we should solve the bug next in line before we do 
the housekeeping details, because we do not want to 
interfere in the solving of the next-in-line bug. 
The bugs involves the fact that, when the self ("I") 
concept is activated, the AI properly says, 
"I HELP KIDS", but then improperly says 
To the, ahem, experienced eye, this bug looks like 
a simple case of mis-assigned activation-values, 
as discussed in the actrules.html webpage file, 
but the bug could turn out to be far more serious. 

As we try to troubleshoot the path of activations, 
we gradually conclude that the Diagnostic mode will 
eventually have to be geared to displaying mainly 

Let's try using a lower residuum in psiDamp. 

Second Session

No, lowering residuum did not help. 

Let's see if spreadAct is not searching far enough for 
the "seq" tag leading to a direct object. 

It worked! We increased the seq zone from +7 to +9, 
and all of a sudden the AI could find such a long 
direct object as "ROBOTS". 


Our remedial action is too much of an ad-hoc solution, 
and we need to perform a more general re-make of the 
use of the "zone" variable in the spreadAct module. 
Perhaps we will widen the "zone" far enough to include 
even the longest words, and use a LEAVE statement to 
exit the operation when a "pre" or "seq" is found, 
or perhaps we will simply declare an unbudging "seq" by 
only letting the "seq" slot be filled once per search. 

We also need to import the use of an abort mechanism such as the 

var abort = false; // 29dec2006 For orchestration of sentence-generation.

that we use in the JavaScript AI (JSAI) Mind. As the Forthmind 
gets better and better at sloshing activation over onto the 
correct direct object as found by a "seq" search, the situation 
will tend to arise that the AI Mind lacks sufficient 
knowledge to think about the found direct object as 
the subject of a new sentence. Instead, the AI needs 
to abort any generation of a thought that can not be 
completed for lack of knowledge. 

At the same time that a lack-of-knowledge sentence is aborted, 
the AI should call the wtAuxSDo module to ask a question that 
could potentially elicit the missing knowledge from either 
an attendant human being or from a search of the Internet. 
The AI should pause and give the human attendant extra time 
in which to answer the wtAuxSDo question. The Tutorial mode 
should indicate that the AI is calling wtAuxSDo instead of SVO. 

If no answer is forthcoming from the wtAuxSDo question, 
it would be a good time to invoke the EGO resuscitation module 
so that the AI generates a self-referential thought instead of 
trying to pursue a line of thought for which it lacks enough 
knowledge to think reasonably. On the other hand, more advanced 
routines might simply let ideas "queue up" so that thought 
turns to a traversal of semi-activated chunks of knowledge 
contained in the knowledge-base (KB) of the AI Mind. 


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