I'm going to try and elucidate my approach to building an intelligent
system, in a round about fashion. This is the problem I am trying to

Imagine you are designing a computer system to solve an unknown
problem, and you have these constraints

A) Limited space to put general information about the world
B) Communication with the system after it has been deployed. The less
the better.
C) We shall also assume limited processing ability etc

The goal is to create a system that can solve the tasks as quickly as
possible with the least interference from the outside.

I'd like people to write a brief sketch of your solution to this sort
of problem down. Is it different from your AGI designs, if so why?

Okay so an example test is: Survey wrecks in the ocean in a
submersible.  What information would you send to the submersible
system, to enable it to survey better?

My answers to these questions.

System Sketch? -> It would have to be generally programmable, I would
want to be able to send it arbitrary programs after it had been
created, so I could send it a program to decrypt things or control
things. It would also need to able to generate it's own programming
and select between the different programs in order to minimise my need
to program it. It is not different to my AGI design, unsurprisingly.

It would need initial programming, those programs may be something
like AGI systems we have at the moment, but the point of the system
would be it would be able to chose between different programs
dependent upon what was found to be useful. Done in a Eric Baum/Agoric
systems fashion.

What information ? -> Initially alterations to programs to change the
language that I communicate with the system to reduce the amount of
communication needed. Wreck, tide, motor, current would get a short
descriptions for example.

  Will Pearson

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