On 26/03/2008, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  A lot of students email me asking me what to read to get up to speed on AGI.
>  So I started a wiki page called "Instead of an AGI Textbook",
> http://www.agiri.org/wiki/Instead_of_an_AGI_Textbook#Computational_Linguistics

I've decided to go my own way and have started a new annotated text
book, trying to link in all the topics I think relevant to my current
state of work.


I'll try putting in content in for each of those links. But coding for
the architecture is probably more pointful at this point. Once I have
it up and running on QEmu, I'll try and devote more time to education.

  Will Pearson

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