On 20/04/2008, Derek Zahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> William Pearson writes:
> > Consider an AI learning chess, it is told in plain english that...
> I think the points you are striving for (assuming I understand what you
> mean) are very important and interesting.  Even the first simplest steps
> toward this clear and (seemingly) simple task baffle me.  How does the
> concept of 'knight' poof into existence during the conversation?

One has to have grounding: prior experience with checkers, or parchesi or
other board games, and thus the concept of moving a gamepiece  on a board.
And, prior to that, the concept of 3D space,e.g. that of shoving a toy
around on the floor. Also, the concept of having something taken away from
them: something one wants to have but can't.  In humans, desires seem
grounded in biology, but then, like colorful tropical birds with bzarre
rituals, grow to be their own (biology-unmotivated) thing. Only after one
mastered these concepts is one ready to understand a knight.

How does a system learn how to learn to play a game in the first place?

Well, one has to be psychologically motivated to participate. There has to
be some motivator to make one want to learn. My experience with children
shows that they lack motivators for most things, bar one: if they can get
attention, they're willing to try anything.

I like this task as a tool for considering how a potential AGI approach is
> truly general -- by asking over and over again "how and why could that
> happen" for any imagining of how each

I think most researchers are in general agreement with you on this. Thus the
current focus  on integrating knowledge-bases, and 3D spatial knowledge,
a 3D (virtual) body, and, to a lesser degree, psychological/motivational


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