Hi Derek,

Thanks for encouragement.  Take a look at WordNet online here and you will see 
why an initial Texai goal is to fully understand the word sense definitions 
(e.g. program).

It's been so long that I cannot recall the year, or even the season, but I do 
recall to this day exactly where I was when the recursion aha moment occurred 
for me.  From the computer center, I was walking alone, traversing an empty 
quad in the twilight, back to my dorm at Stony Brook.  Of course its a typical 
youngster's attitude to believe that simple elegant principles can solve great 
challenges, but still it was thrilling - thanks for provoking its recollection.

Stephen L. Reed

Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704

----- Original Message ----
From: Derek Zahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 12:43:37 PM
input and responses

    .hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage { 
FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;}  Stephen Reed writes:
  Hey Texai, let's program [Texai] I don't know how to program, can you teach 
me by yourself? Sure, first thing is that a program consists of statements that 
each does something [Texai]  I assume by program you mean a sequence of 
instructions that a computer can interpret and execute, and that by statement 
you mean a line of code written as part of a computer program Right.  One type 
of instruction is the assignment statement.
 [Texai] OK, how is it interpreted? It has two parts, one part identifies a 
variable that receives a copy of, or a reference to, an evaluated expression 
described by the other part of the instruction [Texai] I assume by variable you 
mean a symbol (like x or y) that is used in mathematical or logical expressions 
to represent a variable quantity. What's an evaluated expression?  And under 
what circumstances does the situation in which the variable receives a copy of 
the evaluated expression occur, as contrasted with the situation in which the 
variable receives a reference to the evaluated expression? Wow, if that turns 
out to be an actual transcript sent back through a time machine (I mean, if it 
works like you think), that's amazingly impressive.  Every part of it, from 
knowing to ask you to teach it to do something, to connecting 'program' used as 
a verb to 'program' used as a noun, to knowing all about sequences of 
instructions, what computers are and
 how they work, what a "line of code" even means, and so on.  I assume these 
things were taught to it through previous teaching sessions, and I'm really 
eager to see that in action.  Of particular interest to me here is the 
conceptual leap from equality in a mathematical expression (which I guess the 
system already knows about) to the very different idea of assignment in a 
normal programming language.  The origin of "a variable as a named thing that 
can hold a value" was an interesting concept to communicate to undergraduate 
business majors back in the day when I taught introductory programming... you 
could just see them "get it" after trying analogies with mailboxes and diagrams 
of computer memory and whatnot.  It had never occurred to some of them to put a 
number in a box for later use before but I clearly remember the instant of 
concept formation occurring in their fresh young minds :)
 Now the "aha" moment behind learning the concept of recursion is even more 
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