
The Texai system, as I envision its deployment, will have the following 

        * a lot of processes
        * a lot of hosts
        * message passing between processes, that are arranged in a 
hierarchical control system

        * higher level processes will be deliberative, executing compiled 
production rules (e.g. acquired skills)
        * lower level processes will be reactive, even so far as not to contain 
any state whatsoever, if the sensed world itself will suffice
        * some higher level processes on each host will be agents of the Host 
Resource Allocation Agency and will have the learned skills sufficient to 
optimally allocate host resources (e.g. CPU cores, RAM, KB cache) on behalf of 
other processes (i.e. agents)
        * I have not yet thought much about how these resources should be 
allocated except to initially adopt the scheduling algorithms used by the Linux 
OS for its processes (e.g. each process has a priority, schedule the processes 
to achieve maximum use of the resources, allow real-time response for processes 
that must have it, do not allow low priority processes to starve, etc.)

 Stephen L. Reed

Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704

----- Original Message ----
From: rooftop8000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Sent: Friday, May 9, 2008 3:24:14 PM
Subject: [agi] organising parallel processes, try2

I'll try to explain it more..
Suppose you have a lot of processes, all containing some production rule(s). 
They communicate with messages. They all should get cpu time somehow. Some 
processes just do low-level responses, some monitor other processes, etc. Some 
are involved in looking at the world, some involved in planning, etc. 

I'm thinking of a system like SOAR, but in parallel. Are there any systems that 
work like this, and have some way to organise the processes (assign cpu time, 
guide the communication, group according to some criteria..) 
I'd like to look at a bunch of those and compare the pros & cons



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