On 5/18/08, Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For the others on this list following my progress, the example is from a
set of essential capability descriptions that I'll use to bootstrap the
skill acquisition facility of the the Texai dialog system.   The
subsumption-based capability matcher is done.  I'm writing Java code that
implements each of these capabilities.  That should be completed in a few
more days, and then I'll fit that into the already completed dialog system.
At that point I should be able to begin exploring what essential utterances
will be needed to acquire skills by being taught, and generate Java programs
to perform them.

This is a good step towards program synthesis, but I guess "real"
programming requires reasoning processes more sophisticated than subsumption
of pre- and post- conditions.

My system (I'm working on the prototype of it) uses exclusively declarative
knowledge, so it would be more suitable for simple commonsense reasoning
rather than program synthesis.  The latter will require building up
program-related concepts from the ground up.  That will be a long term goal,
and a challenging one.

If you use the Behavioral Language, one problem is that the
procedural knowledge is separated from the declarative knowledge -- the 2
parts may have no connection at all.

The problem with my approach is that reasoning about programs may be very
expensive as it requires many commonsense steps.


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