VRRM  - Virtual Reinforcement Resource Managing Machine


This is a virtual machine designed to allow non-catastrophic
unconstrained experimentation of programs in a system as close to the
hardware as possible. This should allow the system to change as much
as is possible and needed for the application under consideration.
Currently the project expects to go to the operating system level
(including experimentation on schedulers and device drivers).  A
separate sub-system supplies information on how well the experiment is
going.  The information is made affective by making it a form of
credit periodically used to bid for computational system resources and
to pass around between programs.

Expected deployment scenarios

 - Research and possible small scale applications on the following
     - Autonomous Self-managing robotics
     - A "Smart" operating system that customises itself to the users
preferences without extensive knowledge on the users part

Language - C


Currently I am hacking/designing my own, but I am open to going to a
standard machine emulator if that seems easy at any point. I expect to
heavily re-factor. I am focussing on the architectural registers,
memory space and memory protection first and will get on to the actual
instruction set last.

I'm also in parallel trying to design a high level language for this
architecture so the internals initial programs can be cross-compiled
for it more easily.

Current Feature plans

 - Differentiation between transient and long term storage to avoid
unwanted disk thrashing
 - Unified memory space
 - Capability based security between programs
 - Specialised Capability registers as well as floating point and integers
 - Keyboard, mouse and display virtual devices as well as extensible
models for people to build their own

Comments and criticisms welcomed.

  Will Pearson

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