2008/5/27 Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Actually, that's an absurdity. The whole story of evolution tells us that
> the problems of living in this world for any species of
> creature/intelligence at any level can only be solved by a SOCIETY of
> individuals. This whole dimension seems to be entirely missing from AGI.

And you are part of the problem insisting that an AGI should be tested
by its ability to learn on its own and not get instruction/help from
other agents be they human or other artificial intelligences.

The social aspect of mimicry has been picked up Ben Goertzel at least
in the initial stages of development of his AGI, he may think it will
evolve beyond that eventually.

I don't think it will, as every mind is capable of getting stuck in a
rut (they are attractor states), getting out of that rut is easier
with other intelligences to show the way out (themselves getting stuck
in different ruts). Societies can get stuck in their own ruts but
generally have bigger  spaces to explore, so might find their way out
in a long time.


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